Shortly after launching BCC, we realized that we hadn't provided enough detail about who we are, our goals, or why our audience should support us! Our early strategy involved promoting the business via social media with coffee facts, positive postings, blogs, commentary on current events, highlights of other businesses, etc. This was done both individually, with our personal handles, and through our company’s social media account. The intent behind this strategy was to subtly reveal our mission, our products, and ourselves over time. We wanted to allow our audience time to learn about, engage with, and enjoy our brand. We only hope to inspire, give helpful information to the masses, help readers/customers define their path to financial freedom, and spread the brand! While this approach was successful, it also raised a lot of questions:
Who is behind the movement?
Why was I invited to ‘Like’ this page?
I vaguely remember so and so… is this his company?
How are these guys linked to this company?
Here’s your chance to meet the owners of Black Coffee Company:
Leonard Lightfoot: What makes you happy and why pursue a business venture?

Providing for my family makes me happy. If they are happy, I am happy. I love to see my family and friends smiling and having fun. I really enjoy tutoring students in math, breaking down problems so they can understand it. I love to teach, listen to music, and experiencing different cultures. I just love people, honestly want the best for them.
The business venture was an opportunity to build with my brothers, engage with the community, and leave a blueprint for others to follow. More importantly, BCC is something we can call our own. It did require hard work and a lot of time, but at the end of the day, it is our “baby,” which I am extremely proud of. With proper planning and execution, anything is possible. Timing is everything, and now is the best time to do it!
Jamin Butler: What makes you happy and where do you see yourself this time next year?

Seizing opportunities that the Lord has blessed me with. Taking care of my family, by providing them with a path forward, so they too can realize their dreams and pursue their passions. Building #BPi & #BlackCoffee with my Brothers, has been one the greatest joys of my life, and a sincere source of pride. Having the opportunity to build organizations and businesses that my kids can one day inherit is the true fulfillment of my purpose in life! Oh, and I also love comic books.
In May 2019, #BPi will officially be 4 years old, and #BlackCoffee will have celebrated one year in business. I will still be a newlywed (Hey Ayron!) living with my wife and daughter on the property we are preparing to purchase. A full year will have passed at my new job, so I expect upward mobility will also be on the horizon!!
Branden Cole: What makes you happy and name something you draw inspiration from?

Loving and believing in my people! Providing for and tending to my family and friends will always produce a sense of pride, but I am happiest when I am making a difference for others. I derive my energy from people. The more I can do to liberate minds, instruct based on my own learnings, and provide alternate hypotheses, the happier I am with life. I love to travel, crack jokes, debate, and learn as well!
This question isn’t easy because I draw inspiration from lots of things for several reasons at various times. I guess, to be concise and give you a sense of who I am, I would say that I draw inspiration from naturally occurring things. That means that a certain weather pattern, a child crying, a flower budding, an unscripted in the moment response, a random act of kindness, a denial/rejection I witness etc. all leave me inspired in different ways to be the best (or a better) me for someone else and for the future of my people.
Chris Bolden: What makes you happy and which country would you travel to if you could go tomorrow?

Happiness to me is building with my community. I truly value the experiences where I can get lost in the moment, and I can vibe out with the people that matter to me most. Sharing positive energy, good food, good music, laughter, and sharing new experiences with like minded individuals. Happiness is surrounding myself with genuine people, in an environment that we can all motivate each other to be our very best, by holding each other accountable and always dealing in truth and integrity. Cooking for people makes me happy, as well as traveling the world!
“I live for the nights I can't remember with the people I can't forget. Spending money I I worked hard for, for the things I won’t regret.” Drake
If I could travel to any country tomorrow, I would go to the Motherland...It’s hard to pick a specific country, however I would choose Ethiopia. I would love to immerse myself in the rich culture, and experience the customs and values practiced there. Ethiopia has a long history in coffee and I would love to exprecience one of their amazing coffee ceremonies!
Gino Jones: What makes you happy and when was the last time you had good solid conversation with someone?

Doing for others make me happy. Whether it's for family, friends, or even strangers, just helping others genuinely makes me happy. The idea of knowing that I was a part of making someone happy, or smile, or making them feel better is a great feeling for me. I've known since I was very young that helping others is something that comes naturally to me and I have embraced that characteristic throughout my life. And in helping others, whether it's a small or a grand deed, it could lead to something bigger and better and possibly bring some change in a person's life.
The last time I had a good solid conversation with someone would probably be with one of my coworkers about the effects of doing something that you want to do versus what you feel you have to do. We talked about how it takes away from someone's genuine enjoyment when you are “forced" to participate in an activity that you don't want to do.